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 · Adimasu Aragawu ሰኔ 04/13 (ዋልታ) – የቦረናን እና የደቡብ ኦሞ ህዝቦችን የሚያገናኝ የተልተሌዋዩወንዶኤርቦሬ የጠጠር መንገድ ግንባታ ተጠናቅቆMesfin ADIMASU Athlete Profile Share Tweet Email COUNTRY Ethiopia DATE OF BIRTH 05 MAR 1985 ATHLETE'S CODE Personal Bests Seasons Bests Progression Honours Results · Blood donation has remained a challenge in developing countries, like Ethiopia In Ethiopia there is a high reliance on family surrogate and waged blood donors which carries an attendant increased risk of transfusion transmissible infection Health workers are expected to practice blood donation so as to create a good image to the public Yechale Adimasu Academia Edu Adamasu biranu